
Recommend wall企画展
The Tokyo Hotel Drawings 2023
Jack Sal
会期:2023.05.07(SUN)- 2023.06.04(SUN)
12:00-19:00(月曜休廊 最終日16:00まで)
These works were created in April of 2023 during my visit for my one person exhibition at Roonee 247 Fine Arts in Tokyo Japan.
Using materials that I found in local shops I made these drawings as part of my daily routine filling in the hours produced by the jet lag that I experienced.
Made with watercolor, ink, silk medical tape and pencil the support material is comprised of a variety of papers including those used by young students to practice writing. I also made use of rice paper mounted to boards edged in gold.
These works represent the encounter between the working language of my process evolved over years and the Japanese materials which contain an aesthetic and cultural significance.
These works are of a place and time.
April 2023
New York